Thoughts on swimming, training and staying afloat in rough waters and calm seas.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Happy Birthday, Nanny...I miss you

Over the past few days, I've been thinking a lot about my grandmother, my Nanny. At the revival this weekend, surrounded, as I was by prayerful, kind people, I couldn't help myself. I felt like she was right beside me. My Nanny was always the person people called when they needed someone to prayer with them, or to pray for them. She answered her phone with a cheery, high-pitched "nyellow" a sound which can never be replicated. People would pour their hearts into the phone line and she would listen and gently pray. She kept a notebook with prayer requests, both her own and those of others. She also had a list of questions she planned to ask God when she met him. I have a feeling she still pesters him with questions daily.

I have never met anyone with as much joy or faith as my Nanny. As certain as she was of kingdom of heaven, she relished this life and filled each day with love and care for the people, plants, and animals around her. She was never happier then when serving others, sharing her gifts of food and stories and laughter. Her laugh was infectious and unlike any other sound I have ever heard a human make, and she found laughter everywhere. Whether it was sewing up her husband's fly in retaliation for his not bothering to let her know he'd invited dinner guests, playing nerf battle royale with her grandchildren, or putting up with her eldest granddaughter's gentle teasing, she gave her laughter freely. It was truly a gift.

My heart is aching today, on what would have been her 94th birthday. On her birthday, she liked strawberry shortcake. When my grandfather was alive he often trudged through snow to get to and from the bakery with cake for his beloved bride. After he died, I did my best to spend as many birthdays as I could with her. As we grew older together she became one of my best friends. I told her my secrets and she told me her stories. Together we made jelly and watched antiques roadshow. We could drive each other up a wall, but we loved each other completely. I miss her everyday--she left a big ole hole in my heart when she went home to start asking God her questions--but I am eternally grateful to have loved and been loved by her.

Happy Birthday, Nanny

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