My Dad, Sackal and I at the end of my swim
Let’s start with the “end”. On Saturday the 10th of September, I swam one mile in the Hudson . It was a beautiful day and I was accompanied by my parents, Sackal, a good friend and my amazing teammates. While I had trained hard for that day, no one could have prepared us for the condition of the water, high and choppy and so full of sediment that it looked a bit like Pepto Bismal. We were all disappointed that we were cut back from three miles to one, but that one mile was a challenge in itself. As I swam, I thought about what a lucky person I am to have been supported at every step by kind, generous and supportive friends and strangers. As I looked up at the shoreline I could see the friends and family gathered in support of this crazy endeavor and was spurred on by their cheers. As I walked out of the water, filthy and exhausted I was greeted by hugs and applause and felt, for the first time in my adult life, like an athlete. You were all there on the shoreline with me, whether you knew it or not. Thank you!
It’s taken me a while to write the final installation of Floatation Devices, because I really didn’t want the process to be over. I’ve felt a little like Inigo Montoya at the end of “The Princess Bride”. He says, “I’ve been in the revenge business so long now that it's over, I don't know what to do with the rest of my life.” At the end of my swim I felt overjoyed and proud but a little uneasy about what the end would mean. I knew that I wanted to keep swimming and blogging, but wasn’t sure how to keep the momentum going.
I’ve managed to find a pool that I think will be a good home for my swimming endeavors, and have managed, so far, to keep swimming on a three day a week schedule. The question of the next big challenge has been a much harder struggle. In the next few days I will be starting new blog, yet to be named, but I hope some of you will continue to read and support me in the next leg of the journey. It will chronicle my attempt to find real, meaningful, lasting work in the cultural arts field. I have a dream and a vision, but I will need a plan and a community to make it a reality. I invite all of you to join me in that community. More info soon.